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Join us every Saturday Morning for Prayer Meeting at 7:15am. 
625 S. Burnside Ave, Gonzales, LA.

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Grace of Christ Ministries Prayer and Word Center offers and opportunity for believers to partake in what’s called corporate prayer, united prayer or praying in one accord.


Since opening in 2016, Grace of Christ Ministries continues to be a place for believers, regardless of their home church or particular affiliation, to come together and pray for our nation, state, communities and families in one voice.  Prayer services are each Saturday morning at 7:15 in Gonzales, LA.

Obviously, all churches pray and most will usually have someone come to the podium and lead in prayer during a church service.  However, most do not have occasion for believers to lift their voices together as one voice, in one accord, in prayer to God which is very different from praying individually.

Participating regularly in these meetings, is an opportunity of encouragement, refilling of the Spirit and times of refreshing... (more)

© 2024
Grace of Christ Minstries

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​Visit us: 

625 S. Burnside Ave, Suite #6,

Gonzales, LA 70737

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